Let’s see who can name all of the machines in this picture and the processors that are in them.
Let’s see who can name all of the machines in this picture and the processors that are in them.
A bit of CPM playing today. I was able to build a Kaypro CPM disk on my 5150 PC, and use that to transfer over a few things including MBASIC and STARTREK.BAS. All seems to be working well.
The Osborn booted right up as well and I was able to run a few programs. That little screen is very cool. NIce to see 40 year old hardware work so well.
Commodore 64 time!
A little retro-gaming. It brings back memories of playing Space Invaders and Parsec when I was a wee lad.
Thanks to Aaron Morris for feeding my retro-habit. The Amiga is such a fantastic platform with so many really great design ideas and cool aftermarket support.
I added a TV in my lower garage today. I thought a 65″ TV would be too large, but no, it is about right.