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Month: August 2018



It is not uncommon to see time-lapse construction videos, and they offer a really cool view of a house being built. I wanted to extend on that a little and do a time-lapse rotating drone footage video of my house construction.

The Mavic Pro drones have a waypoint mode that allows you can program a flight path and camera direction, and I used that mode to record a flight path panning around the build site. I have done three videos of that flight path so far, and here is a merged video of those three.

I’ll do this same flight path every day, then once the house is done I should be able to build a single video that shows the house being build while also panning around the site from the air.

At least that is the theory.



There was a great collection of Japanese cars at Pebble today at the Japanese Automotive Invitational. I was not surprised to run into Sean Morris, as he had a beautiful R34 in this collection. Sean could probably explain the history of most of the cars there.



For the really really discerning buyer, along with the Paganis was the place to look at buying your own Airbus.



For the discerning buyer, there were test drives available for a couple of different helicopters.