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Author: Jeff



This whole 0-60 in 2 seconds thing is.. well… fxxxing awesome.

Glad to add the Plaid to the group.. and yes, I will be giving rides. 😉

New wheels and tires should be here in a week or so… more meat!

Install in progress

Install in progress

Today is day 1 of Battery install day. 4 Enphase Encharge 10s (so 40kwh of storage), Enphase Smart Switch and IQ Combiner connected up to my 20kw of Solar. Generator install coming next. These microinverters (IQ8) with microgrid are sweet!



I added a small two wheel vehicle to the fleet. Looks ready for some overlanding. Or at least some off grid camping. 😉

(TAB 400 Boondock, 3 way Fridge, Aldi Heater, AC, Roof Solar Panel) + I have some LiFePO4 batteries and genset for it. 2800 lbs.



I took my 2021 Suburban to the Chevrolet dealer for service today, and it was surprising to look around the dealership. They would typically have ~250 new cars on the lot , and another few hundred in a storage lot. They have exactly one new car here. One.

Supply is tight for sure!



I was walking back from getting the mail just now and thought – damn that is a sexy beast. 😉



Interesting to see how this very cheap small 70cm RF duplexer performs. 50db isn’t great, and certainly you wouldn’t want to use this for any kind of mountain top repeater.



A little around the house fiber connecting and server upgrading. I added a new USW Pro L3 10G/25G SFP+ switch to connect up all of the other switches around the house.

Next up is to finally pull the fiber all the way to the gate. I have the fiber on a spool ready to go. I tested the conduits and marked and cleared them. Given it is three jumps over 1000ft, I’ll need to recruit some help.

Producing Power

Producing Power

Today was my first day of producing power on my new solar system. A reasonable 124.7kWh, which is on par with what I expected given the tree cover in the AM and PM and the panel placement. It looks like I was microinverter clipping just a tiny bit at the peak.

During the morning hours I was producing more than I was using, and around 3pm transitioned to more total usage than production. Once I get the batteries installed I’ll be able to bank that morning overage and offset in the afternoon.
53 380W LGs ,IQ7+

I am getting 4x Encharge 10kWh batteries installed in a couple of weeks which will be a good complement.

Install Complete – Panels

Install Complete – Panels

Solar Install Complete! 53 Panels installed, wired up, and microinverting. Of course the system is turned off as I wait for final inspection and PGE net meter install… but those 20kws of electrons are ready to go!

Racking Panels

Racking Panels

Racking for panels making progress. Tomorrow racking on main section on the upper roof, which will be the majority of the panels.