

I have made some progress in getting things in my office setup. The PC I have under the desk ( dual Xeon 20 core ) was running Windows, but I switch that to Linux and put the windows image from the machine into a VM with a GPU passthru. I was surprised at how well that went given I was restoring the windows image from a backup.. but it worked great. VirtiO devices, QXL video, and performance is pretty good.

I also have a windows gaming box down in the datacenter room and that box is sending HDMI up to a monitor here, and I also have USB going down there for keyboard/mouse/flight stick. The USB over fiber works really well, and doesn’t seem to have significant latency.

I also got the 6 upper monitors correctly connected to a 6 DP output video card in my VM server in the DC with PCI passthru to a VM as well as a second USB extension with passthru. That too worked better than I thought it would. The USB passthru required a bit of hacking since I was trying to pass through native MB USB devices, but a few ‘quirk’ flags got that done. Next up I need to work on my Grafana screens which will be displayed on these monitors.

Still more to do, but getting better every day.

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