Here is a quick in car video from driving at Maryhill Loop Road yesterday.
Data overlay from my Vipec V88. This camera was mounted on the front lip, which is to flexible so very bouncy. I’ll move it to a more hardpoint for the next track day.
This was my first time on Maryhill Loop Road, and it is a fantastic place. Good surface condition and good visibility. Pardon my slow driving as this was more of a fun run event, and of course a new road.
I had a problem with the coupler output from the turbocharger blowing off, so I turned the boost down to 16psi. Next time I’ll get that turned back up to 24!
Thanks to the fantastic Dream Drives folks for an awesome event!
(I added differential fuel pressure and oil pressure, and both look ok. Ideally you want differential fuel pressure to be pretty flat and not drop off at higher load and rpm. I was most curious to see if oil pressure had fluctuations with cornering load. )