

Lots of new things underway – With that ridiculous water tank done, the storm water filter garden is being built. Hole, liner, rock, and 25 yards of really nice soil plus 78 specific plants picked by the city. Yea. All of this to protect the soil from rain falling from the sky.

Cedar walls/ceiling for the vault, more paint on the outside, drywall delivered. We installed two temporary 20kw furnaces today to help heat and dry out the house.. A good way to break in the meter! We are also going to install the two infratech heaters, and those guys are 6kw each. If I can get a few Teslas on the chargers we can see how much that transformer can really dish out. It is rated for 75kw, but no doubt in this cold weather it can do a lot more.

Drywall starts tomorrow as well as a bunch of interior trim work, and of course more exterior painting and some cedar ceiling work.

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