

I have been working on getting the infrastructure for the driveway lights setup. Before paving I ran 1″ conduit along the driveway such that about every 100ft it pops up at a post such that it can feed an outlet as well as feed a conduit that goes across to the other side. Since I have power at the house and the gate, the driveway is fed from each far end so the max distance is about 500ft from each meter to the farthest plug.

The boxes on one side have three conduits – one in, one out to the next box, and one across the driveway to the other side. I used some flex pipe for connecting them to the conduit since the conduit was not lined up perfectly.

My plan is to pull 4 either 10 or 12 gauge wires along the conduit path so I have 240V if I need it, but wire the normal 120V outlets such that one side of the driveway is one 120v leg and the other side is the other 120v leg. Voltage drop isn’t a huge issue as I suspect I’ll need somewhere around 6 amps at 120Vs for the lights and the lights are driven at 12v by a switching power supply that can handle down to about 60vs. 500ft with 10g at 6 amps is ~5% drop.

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