I had a chance to do a little stress test of the electrical system tonight. I have all of the current clamps installed with data logging into influx and then outputting with Grafana.
I got a peak draw of just a tad over 40kW with all of the lights, servers, the rear deck heaters, a Tesla charging, a few math jobs on the servers and my office computer, the lights in the shop and garage (which are 2kw themselves), and the kettle going. That isn’t that much power given the 600 amps of available service. That 40kW represents a continuous power bill of about $3500/ month.
I probably could have eeked out another 5kw.. and of course If I get Eric Rosenberry over here with a few more teslas we might be able to hit 120kw.
I measured voltage at the panel closest to the feed as well as the one the farthest away. The closest one dipped down to 114.75v from an average of about 116.5v ( it is already near the lowest voltage of the day).
The farthest panel dipped down to 113.7 volts, and that panel had about 80 amps on it (125v subpanel).
It also appears my idle load is about 7kW.