

When I installed all of the electrical panels (12 of them), I put an extra box below each one to hold some monitoring equipment. I also ran 2 conduits from the panel to the box.

I’m starting to wire up some monitoring equipment. The goal is to have current/voltage/power/power factor measurements on every circuit in the house. The measuring device I decided to use is call IotaWatt, and is an open source design that has a commercial production version.

Each device can measure 14 channels using clip on current probes. The device has built in Wifi, and supports streaming directly to my InfluxDB instance which is then displayed with Grafana. Best of all the price for a 14 channel device with current clamps is around $280. Given that I need 14 of them that makes a difference.

I ordered one to test back in February and I have that unit partially installed now. Very easy configuration, plug and play sensors, and pretty wide support for different current probes.

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