More Floors
House progress has slowed down due to working limitations, but the interior painting is almost complete. Next up is likely hardwood floor work, which is another category of work that can happen in our current social distance rules since the sander is wearing a respirator and no one else is in the house.
I have been working a bit on electrical stuff and driveway lighting, and Scott Rowland has been out on the back desk working on the glass panels. No idea when we will be done.
As an aside, I have not talked about Covid much in my feed, and I plan on keeping it that way. I have many many friends who are talking, informing, educating, and help out with our understanding of this pandemic. Like many of my other mathematical leaning friends I too have models, mathematica sheets, and excel graphs helping me understand and track things. I am thinking every day about how this is affecting all of us, and I am hoping our efforts help soften the curve.
I hope I can offer some distraction from time to time that tickles the mind, or at least makes you think ‘is that guy crazy’?….. Yes, my mother had me tested.