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Month: January 2020



A few drone pictures, and a few 360 degree inside pictures now that the hardwood floors are installed.

I also did an updated walkthrough video:

And a short video about the wiring:



An great explanation of an interesting conjecture… and like all good things in math it is related to the Riemann hypothesis.

The paper this is based on (1985) references the computations being done in Fortran on a CDC Cyber 750, and a Cray-1.



The end of an incredible era.

I started my career after college at Intel in 1994 while Andy was the CFO. No doubt I didn’t think at the time I would be married to his daughter as he retires from his distinguished career 26 years later. Over the years I have be so fortunate to have Andy’s guidance on many thing. He intellectual capacity is outweighed only by his humility and thoughtful consideration for others.

Intel will be a different place without Andy at the wheel.

Consider this quote from the Oregonian article:

“Bryant, 69, joined Intel in 1981, when the company’s sales totaled $789 million. The company he leaves generated more than $70 billion in revenue annually and makes the vast majority of computer chips running PCs and laptops and nearly every processor running the data centers that power the internet.”

No doubt all of us in the family are happy to have more time to spend with Andy, especially his 4 granddaughters!

House Model

House Model

It is interesting to look at the original 3D model I put into Google Earth before we started construction, compared to the actual a few months ago.



A few small updates… The hardwood was delivered this week so it will have some time to acclimate to the temperature and humidity. 10,000 lbs in total weight.

The wood trim around the windows are getting installed as well as the stone for the fireplace. Progress!