It’s trench time! We got approval for the electrical service plan, so it is time to do some digging. I currently have a single transformer across the driveway from the house, but it isn’t sufficient capacity for the service. Since it is also a bit of an odd location I decided to relocate the pad to the back edge of the driveway, and run new conduit from the house to the transformer as well as new high voltage primary conduit from the new pad to the original vault.
I did 3 3″ conduits to the transformer from the house which will support the two meter setup with a dedicated 200A Tesla/EV charging meter (on a different rate plan). The three conduits will also allow me to have a 600amp primary service instead of a 320amp if the need arises. I have a tertiary service with meter and transformer down at the gate, as pulling 120/240 over 1000ft isn’t a great idea. PGE also has to upgrade the fuse up on Skyline from a 6amp (7200v) to a 25amp (7200v)
I got the natural gas sleeve installed, the primary water line connected all the way to the house, and 5 data conduits down the the front gate as well as a patch area. The conduits going to the gate are a single pull of almost 1000ft, but I suspect I am going to need to have an intermediate pull box as I don’t think the natural gas guys are going to pull that far in a single pull.
The gas line in the house is mostly installed. It is a 2psi setup designed for 1.5 million BTUs.
I’ll run a 12 fiber single mode in one of the conduits all the way to the gate, plus some control lines for other things.