

In case you are wondering what is in the long list of what is wrong with our government –

“21 USC §352, 333 & 21 CFR §333.250(d)(1) make it a federal crime to sell athlete’s foot cream without telling users to “Pay special attention to spaces between the toes.”

“21 USC §§331, 333, 343 & 21 CFR §101.17(a)(1) make it a federal crime to sell food in a spray can without warning consumers to try and avoid spraying the food in their eyes.”

“21 USC §§352(f), 331, 333, 21 CFR §§876.5020 & 801.5 make it a federal crime to sell an over-the-counter penis pump without adequate instructions on how to use it. ”

“15 USC §§70b, 70i & 16 CFR §303.9(b) make it a federal crime to sell a textile product with a name like “beaverton” that sounds like, but isn’t actually, a fur-bearing animal.

BUT NOTE: under subsection (c), it’s okay to call your textiles “kitten soft.””

Yes, this is a federal government at work. This is why every law or code should have a forced expire date of 10 years or less.

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