I decided to make some improvements in the EGBP measurement system in the GTR. I had some problems with the Honeywell PX2 sensors I had installed in the baffle cans. The location was certainly hot, and there was a direct heat path from the exhaust ports to the sensors.

To improve the measurements I am doing two things:
First, I am moving the sensors from their location at the back of the engine to the sides of the engine bay, connected to the baffles with stainless softline and a small amount of stainless hard line. Second, I am replacing the sensors. The Honeywell PX2 sensors use a ceramic element, but the Honeywell MLH sensors have a Haynes 214 alloy element, which is a very oxidation and heat resistant material. [ As an aside, Haynes 214 is an interesting material, being an alloy of nickel,chromium,aluminum, and iron. My father spent most of his career at Haynes, so I heard lots about their alloys throughout my childhood!]

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