I pulled out my ID2000s from my 08STI after 5 years of use. Almost every tank of gas over that period has either been E85 or E98, with more E98 in the last year. They still function great, but I suspect they could use a good cleaning. The upper o-rings that go into the fuel rail leak a little bit on one of them, I assume from continuous ethanol exposure and heat. The tips look pretty dirty, although I didn’t notice any difference in idle quality. This really has been a pretty worse case use, as I would typically run the car on E98, drive it hard, park it and let it sit there for weeks at a time.
Paul Yaw can probably tell me when I bought them (SN 61636, probably sold through Cobb). Those little hats have small filters in them as well. Can those filters be changed Paul/Tony Palo?
I know the ID1700Xs and ID1050Xs are the stars of the show now, but I like these little guys. They have been flawless for 5 years of shenanigans. I think I’ll see about getting them cleaned and put back in. Or perhaps I should just get a set of 1700Xs. Hmm.